Every Christmas, my mom gets all the boys a shirt, and they’re great shirts that I wear for years. This Christmas was no different. She got me, my dad, and the boss a great shirt.
I put it on immediately and the next day I put it on again. My sister and I were sitting at lunch at this diner in Minneapolis, and she said, “You should wear that every day.” I said I should. She said “I’ll give you a dollar for every day that you wear it.” which sounded good to me.
But I said, “Well, actually I think I should get accelerators the longer I go to incentivize me to keep going.” She agreed, and we said every ten days the price doubles, and off we went!
Fast forward, I am now on day 13 of wearing this shirt every day.

Kudos to my sister for weaponizing my desire to keep streaks going. If you don’t know this, I love streaks and I have some crazy streaks going.
I’m 1600 days in my water drinking 80 oz every day and thousands of days into using Readwise.