Image via CrunchBase
I’ve been pretty anti-microsoft for a while because it seems that they always miss the boat. However, they do have LOTS of cash (40+ billion) and a huge development force. Becauase of this i was surprised they didn’t get more press for the news they spit out last week. Four big things appeared out of last week’s Professional Developer Conference (PDC):
- They announced Azure, a set of cloud services that competes with Amazon’s S3. Another big player will really solidify the category.
- They showed off Windows 7 which is getting high good hype from the blogosphere.
- They showed off new Web-based versions of Microsoft Office that were really nice. They are really late here but if they can get up to parity with Zoho they could dominate
- They also released new Mac and Mobile versions of Mesh and further explained how that’ll enable new kinds of Internet-connected apps to be built.
All in all it was a HUGE week for Microsoft. I just don’t know why nobody noticed. It is because we’re all Mac fanboys and want them to fail (I know i do)? What do you think?
Related articles:
- every video of the PDC is here if you’re interested.
- Microsoft extends services via web
- SlideRocket AIR Presentation Application Moves into Public Beta
- Microsoft to Take Office to the Web (Now With Editing!)