Got the Ass Stamina, See All Best Picture Options

body_bgrd.jpgIt’s a pretty good year of movies and the five films up for Academy Award for Best Picture are all worth seeing. They are Babel, Little Miss Sunshine, The Departed, The Queen, and Letters of Iwo Jima.

If you have missed some or all of them, you’re in luck because AMC theaters is doing a 1-time event where they’ll play all 5 movies back-to-back. The first film starts at 11 am and there’s a 15-25 min break between each one as well as unlimited popcorn and soda for the entire day.

Over Christmas, my cousin and i did 4 movies in a row (Rocky, We Are Marshall, Apacalypto, Dreamgirls) and it was pretty rough on the ol’ kisser, but this is a better lineup so it could prove be a little less painful. Personally, i’d go to rewatch The Departed (my favorite of the year), see Babel, Iwo Jima, and Queen and then skip out on Little Miss Sunshine. Who’s with me?

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