Atlas Health Workers

Coronavirus Log – Day 16: First Responders

What i’m thinking about

First responders. My brother-in-law is a fireman and he’s going out there and seeing cases firsthand. Many of their calls are to homes where people are sick. They can’t get them tests but can just help them as much as they can. While I’m holed up safely in my house, praying to stay away from this virus, he’s are out there going head-to-head every damn day. It’s really something. I have tons of respect for him and all the first responders. Then I read that in NYC, 14% of the uniformed police force is out sick. Oh man, what a crazy time we live in.

Setting up for the long term. Now that it looks like we’re going to be under quarantine for at least another month or more, I’d like to start taking on some bigger projects. I’d like something that that takes more than 3 weeks to complete and has a definitive finish line. I’d like to work on something a little bit a day for a few weeks. I find those projects super fulfilling and rewarding. I thought of a big Lego ship, or a big jigsaw puzzle, but there’s got to be more. Building some furniture or a tree house comes to mind. Anyone have a good suggestions?

Other Stuff:

From an English sports announcer (thx Kesner) – turn on sound:


  1. World: : 803,313 cases, deaths: 39,014 (up 3,995 – a daily increase of -4%)
  2. USA: 164,719 cases, deaths: 3,170 (up 657 – a daily increase of 204%)
  3. Marin: 98 cases (up 4), 4 deaths (up 3)

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