Some things I’ll remember about 2016…
Time disappearing
I thought we were time constrained when Hunter came along. Well, with two little ones this year, aged 1 and 3, time really got sucked away from me. Less sleep, fewer workouts, fewer books read. All the things I like to do just for me basically went out the door this year. But, they were replaced with more time with my family, which was just fantastic.
He really became a full fledged person this year. He’s now funny and clever. He has a bit of trickery and deviousness in him, but he’s shaping up to be a very kind person. His teachers at school regularly remark about how genuine and kind he is. Also, his super power this year is his drawing. He’s very creative and can draw ridiculously well.
Still isn’t really talking but is definitely communicating a ton. She is VERY social. This girl also has raw physical power, so much so that Hunter is sometimes frightened by her. She showed us that she’ll be quite a force in the future.
More than anything she is a constant ball of joy. She has a permagrin on her face that melts our hearts. She’s also a Daddy’s girl and i love it.
she crushed running the Lewhouse family this year. The kids love her to death. Hunter complains if anyone other than her puts him to sleep. We’ve been married for 6 years now and so far it keeps getting better. I feel incredibly lucky to have such an awesome wife.
New house
In March, we moved to Mill Valley. We love our new house. While it’s the smallest place we’ve lived over the past 8 years, we couldn’t be happier with the house and the
vibe it gives off. It’s nice to finally feel like we’re putting down roots. The house is right by Tam Valley High School and Diane gives us a 70% chance that Hunter goes to school there in 10 years.
Regardless of what you think of Hillary or Trump, you can’t deny that the craziness around this election was unique. It shouldn’t surprise me that someone who spent decades building a reality TV show was able to craft a story and capture news better than regular politicians, but I wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon or in the way that Donald did it. I also didn’t expect a major candidate to get busted talking about…all of the things he spoke about and live to survive the election, let alone win it. It is something I’ll always remember.
Musicians / Prince
Was a bad year. Prince. David Bowie. Glen Frey. George Michael. Prince was the biggest one for me. His songs were amazing. I love how he wrote songs for other artists and just sent them over. In my mind, behind Dylan he’s probably the biggest, most culturally important Minnesotan. How many people can claim an entire color?
Physical Activities
At the beginning of 2016, I started the year running more than ever. I ran early in the morning and was doing about 80 miles a month and really enjoying it. Then in May I injured my knee. I had surgery and the middle months were spent just recovering, and I hated every second of it. I’m now back to around 40-50 miles/month and wondering what my running future holds. I also have back problems. Probably from lifting/carrying a 1 and 3 year old every damn day. I see lots of yoga in my future.

Overall the year was fantastic and I feel blessed to have such a great immediate and extended family, great old friends and really interesting new ones. I hope to see as many of them/you as possible in 2017.