Ridiculous Video Vol. 3

Freakin’ Brothers

These guys are playing piano in an unusual way.  You have to admire not only their skill but also their threshold for pain


Complaint Choir

The Complaint Choir of Helnsinki. The creation of a Finnish husband-wife artist team, Oliver Kochta Kalleinen and Tellervo Kalleinen, the choir stars in the most instantly accessible and funniest comedy/art video I’ve seen in a while.



This is a trippy, yet very cool metamorphasis of a woman into a butterfly.  Only a minute long and worth it.


If you like these, check out Ridiculous Videos Vol. 1 and Ridiculous Videos Vol. 2 

Kramer's Racial Tirade

This is an insane video of Michael Richards – Kramer from Seinfeld – doing a pretty racist and rough standup show.   This is definitely worth checking out…


Other link: http://us.video.aol.com/video.index.adp?mode=1&pmmsid=1772645

Universal Studio's "Welcome" Movie

Back before the South Park guys made South Park, they were just looking to make a buck any way they could. Universal Studios, right after they acquired Seagram Liquors actually hired them to make a video for new employees. Luckily for us, they were still completely crazy and hysterical. Here’s a peak at the video


Also, keeping with the spirit, my friend SubjectToBlackout sent me the awesome “Make Love Not Warcraft” episode of South Park which is damn good. If you have a spare 22 minutes, i highly recommend you check it out. The episode has been taken off YouTube, but you can get it here at DailyMotion.

The episode was so awesome that it actually has its own Wikipedia page. Pretty funny. Check it out, or as Cartman says:

You can just hang around outside all day tossing a ball around, or you can sit at your computer and do something that matters.

Why Google Buying YouTube Is A Good Idea

Yesterday, someone sent me an email about the Google/YouTube deal with the note “seems like an absurd amount of money.” Well, i think it was a good deal for Google. Here’s why:

  1. YouTube has critical mass which is VERY hard to get
  2. YouTube (like Google Video) is a complete browser-based system which fits in with google’s long-term scheme of providing a browser suite (mail, calendar, tv, etc.) on low cost computers to undercut Windows and Apple and dominate the world.
  3. 10% of all google traffic goes to youTube and they are the number 2 destination people go to (#1 is MySpace). Earlier Google did a strategic deal with MySpace so now the top 2 places people go to from Google are to google-friend sites
  4. This further underscores that the actual technology is no longer the most important asset in the web 2.0 world. Revver, JumpCut and even AOL Video have better technologies but YouTube has users and users are what matter. TagWorld, CyWorld, Bebo, Faces.com, and Multiply are all better than MySpace in that they look better, they have more and better features but MySpace has critical mass
  5. Page views equal cash and YouTube has a lot of them. Because they haven’t fully monetized them yet doesn’t mean they won’t. They needed a partner with an ad serving system and relationships with advertisers – Google’s the best at both. In fact, Scoble was wondering what it would have been like if Microsoft had bought YouTube – and it all comes back to who has the relationships with the advertisers. Google’s #1 business is advertising and now they added a major piece of page inventory and now dominate web video inventory too (YouTube is 48% of all web video).
  6. 1.5 Billion is a good price in my mind. People said 1/2 a billion was too much for MySpace. Less than a year later, MySpace got $900 million from Google so it could power the search on the site. There’s clearly money to be made here and 1.5 B isn’t too much in my mind.

What do you think?

Ridiculous Videos, Vol. 2

A little man dancing a fantastic dance. I wonder where this guy is now. He should be much more famous.  I like the little dramatic touches he puts in the performance.


David Hassellhoff is kind of a big deal. Well, maybe in Germany.  Here’s a totally ridiculous music video called “Get in My Car” where he plays Michael Knight (in KITT) and tries to pick up chicks and take them home. At least i think he’s Michael Knight although he makes a Baywatch cameo.  Whatever it is, it’s awesome


In the fantastic movie Major League, the Indians did some pretty crazy things, but that was a movie. This video below of the Chicago Bears is real.

The first volume of Ridiculous Videos is here

Clinton Making Gore His Bitch Again

We're all bitches!Here’s what i’m picturing in my head: Bill Clinton sitting around this spring with his shirt unbuttoned (one button too far) watching TV. On the tv, there’s a story about Gore’s comback and a review of the very good and disturbing movie The Inconvenient Truth. His immediately thought is, “shit i can’t have that bitch showing me up. That’s my VP!” So, like only the 2 term president could do, he whipped out his rolodex, got his peeps together and started a big “initiative” to put Gore in his place.
The initiative though is pretty awesome. The stated mission of the Foundation is to “strengthen the capacity of people throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence.” To advance this mission, the Foundation is focused on four critical areas: 1) health security; 2) economic empowerment; 3) leadership development and citizen service; and 4) racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation. The Foundation works principally through partnerships with individuals, organizations, corporations, and governments, often serving as an incubator for new policies and programs. To participate you have to agree to put forth cash or action prior to joining which is probably the best way to get anything done. Here’s a good clip of Clinton talking about it on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart:


Gore’s got to be pissed. He’s spent the past 3 years working on green projects and meeting with scientists, experts and “smart people” to put togehter his latest book and slideshow which is the basis of the movie. Hell, he even wrote a book 14 years ago about the environment (Earth In The Balance) back when being “green” meant being a good gardener. Now, Clinton swoops in and becomes the man when it comes to making a difference. As they say, anyone can be a critic, execution is what matters and aparently he. is. rocking!

Now whenever people think about global warming and helpign the environment,suck it clinton it’s all about the Clinton Initiative. Read the latest about Richard Bramson’s 3 billion pledge from the CNN article:

Clinton praised Branson, calling him one of the “most interesting,” “creative” and “genuinely committed” people he had ever known.

Branson said he was inspired to contribute after a meeting with Al Gore, who served as Clinton’s vice president and has been highly visible in raising awareness about global warming and environmental issues. Gore was scheduled to speak Thursday afternoon.

Quoting Clinton even though Gore did all the work. Poor bastard. I love what Gore’s being doing, and it kind of pains me that Clinton’s getting all the credit and clintonbeing perceived as the man in this arena. Oh well, i guess some things never change.

4 Ridiculous Videos You Need to Watch

Ok, i have three of them for you today. All are equally entertaining in a completely different way. One is a 70’s music video, one is a music video from today and the last is a guy answering his reader’s mail with a greatly absurd song. Let’s begin:


The was brought to my attention from SG and is a music video from the 70’s. I wasn’t alive in the 70’s but i am aware that there was lots of drug use, objectification of women and pretty trippy music. Well, this video captures all that and then some. The unintentional comedy level is sky high on this baby. Check it out


Knights of Cydonia
I’m sure many of you have seen this but if not, let’s go. First let’s check what’s needed in a futuristic western kung-fu love story: lasers (check), all seven traditional samurai techniques (check), a hanging (check), love found then slapped then lost then reclaimed (check), giant desert robots (check), the KKK going after a white man (check), dirtbikes (check) – and i’m only half through the video. Never before have so many cliches been re-written and never before has rock been so ironic. They really explored the space here.


Z’s My Little Ducky

Ok, so i didn’t knowwho Ze Frank was until about 24 hours ago. Since then i’ve watched two videos by him. The first was a speech he gave at TED in 2004. This is pretty entertaining and i was impressed. (Watch it here). The second is really what i want to share. It’s him answering some questions from his readers. What gets me is how awesome the little ducky song is. Seriously, this song is still stuck in my head. You have to listen to it. Check it here

The Little Girl Giant

This is amazing. I don’t know how they pulled it off or more importantly, i don’t know why. I mean, it’s only a 5 minute video but it must have taken months to years to do this. There’s a giant elephant at the beginning who gives the Little Girl Giant a shower and they barely even show the elephant but it must have been months to create that guy and he’s only there for 5 seconds. Seriously, this is amazing.


Snakes On A Plane (Continued)

Two more things i’ve seen in the past two days.

First, i don’t know why this wasn’t more widely reported, but apparently in Arizona some people actually released a bunch of rattlesnakes into a theater that was showing Snakes on a Plane. How frickin’ scary would that be to be watching a ridiculous movie about snakes and to see one slithering down the aisle. Story is here.

Second, i saw this clip of Samuel L. doing his thing on The Daily Show and it was funny to see that he actually just signed up to do this movie based on the title, which is funny b/c people are going to see it based soley on that too. I also like how excited both Sam and John are just to be able to swear on television – it never gets old for Stewart.

Star Wars Videos

I’ve come across these two four funny videos about Star Wars.

In order of funniness, i’d go: 1) Robot Chicken, 2) Ask a Ninja, 3) Gnarls Barkley video, 4) Vadar Sessions.  Checking em out:

Robot Chicken

This is a great scene of the Senator taking a call from Vadar after the Death Star is blown up. There is some genius in here. I especially love the first line when he’s bragging, “And then i threw the senate at them, the WHOLE SENATE!” I love it. I also like how the ringtone is the ring from 24.

Ask A Ninja – Star Wars

Ninja talks about how Vadar was close to a ninja and all ninja’s ability to access a James Earl Jones voice.

Video is here

Gnarl Barkley

A great clip from the MTV Music Awards have them coming out in Star Wars costumes. I love the site of storm troopers on base and i think the Chewy on drums is the best.


Vader Sessions

Torn by good & evil and an incestuous love affair, a lonely and depraved Darth Vader has a nervous breakdown. This video uses James Earl Jones voice over Darth’s to make Darth look non-sensical and pretty damn funny.

I can’t seem to get it to embedd for some reason, so go here to watch the clip.