Sports Guy Mailbag

I’m in to reposting these days so i thought i’d post some good questions from readers today in The Sports Guy mailbag article:

Q: Shouldn’t Elizabeth Perkins have faced statutory rape charges in “Big”?

Q: So you’re looking for the four-way version of paper-rock-scissors that makes the most sense? I think I found it: blow-booze-weed-sleep. Yes, booze will defeat blow and weed will defeat booze. Sleep can beat weed and of course, blow beats sleep. Granted I don’t behave this way EVERY day.
— Vaughn, Philly

Q: My friend almost got into an altercation with a guy who had a hook instead of a hand. He contends that having a hook for a hand would be an advantage in a bar fight (for the obvious reasons); but I contend that because the prosthesis included the guy’s forearm, it would be a disadvantage as arm speed and dexterity were reduced with the lack of arm muscle. What are your thoughts?
— Adam, Washington, D.C.

Q: My friends and I were discussing the two-faced lady in the Southwest Airlines commercial that you are so fond of. Well, say one of her faces is eating a banana and the other is eating a corn dog. Would the corn dog and banana touch, or do the faces have two separate throats? They probably share a throat, right?

Nothing else captures America quite like a Sports Guy mailbag.  I love it.

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Live, Damn You! LIVE!!

The funniest thing i’ve seen today is this photo and blog post:

“NOOOOOOO! (puff, puff) DON’T LEAVE ME!! (puff, puff)


AT LEAST TELL ME (puff, puff) HOW TO WORK (puff, puff)  THE CAN OPENER!! (puff, puff)  NURSE!! I NEED 50 CCs OF ADRENALINE AND A CHEW TOY, STAT!!”

Last Week's Top Artists

As compiled by Qloud, here were my top artists of last week:

  1. Bob Dylan – i got the new Bootleg Vol. 8 album and it is fantastic.  Dylan has had 8 multi-disc albums of previously unreleased tracks.  These are new songs or alternate versions that were recorded at the same time (or live).  Eight albums, all multi-discs.  Some people call that a career – a good one too.
  2. Blind Melon – sometimes you forget how good they are.  I think they would fit in really well with the current music scene.  Kind of punkish
  3. Guns N’ Roses – oldies but goodies.  Had the live album on alot this weekend
  4. Led Zeppelin – Found the album Houses of The Holy in my apartment on Monday and was happy to revisit the classics
  5. Okkervil River – they have a new album out that i’m trying to get used to.  I have no opinion yet


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I heard this quote this week from Noah:

Most people drink milk, just not in public

This is so true and frankly i’m sick of all the wierd looks i get when i get a big glass of skim with my sandwiches.  Why is it more publicly acceptable to drink beer at breakfast than order milk for lunch?  I never understood this.

I'll Miss Paul Newman

One my favorite actors, Paul Newman, passed away last week.  I love many of his movies, such as The Sting, The Hustler, and Cool Hand Luke.  He was a total stud.

Another reason i loved him was for his charity work.  My cousin Matt has worked for the past two years at Newman’s Hole In The Wall Gang summer camps for sick children.  Their motto is “Shameless exploitation for the common good.”  It’s a great cause and a great camp

In a book about him, the author Lawrence Quirk quotes Newman: “I’d like to be remembered as a guy who tried — tried to be part of his times, tried to help people communicate with one another, tried to find some decency in his own life, tried to extend himself as a human being. Someone who isn’t complacent, who doesn’t cop out.”

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Initial Reactions to MySpace Music

I only played around with it a little bit, but here are my initial thoughts:

The good:

  • they got all the music in there to have a big ad-supported music service.  This is not easy to do and only MySpace, Imeem, and (sort of) have done this.
The bad:
  • The interface/usability could be better. To make a playlist, you have to do a TON of clicks.  They should google “javascript” and learn more about.  It could help them out. Overall, I the interface a 4 out of 10
  • The service is not at all social. You can’t see any friends activity – no suggestions, no nothing.
  • It’s not integrated into the rest of the site.  If you go to Band of Horses page it only has 2 songs from their latest album (Cease to Begin) but if you go to you search and can listen to all of the tracks from that album.  Why?
I’m sure it’ll get better but for now it’s just a repository of music to listen to.   I’ve only played around with it a bit but that’s my initial reaction.
What do you think?
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Session Beer

Got a good piece of knowledge dropped on me this weekend by Drew Mowery.

Check out what he said:

Now, you are probably aware that beers can be grouped by the type of fermentation that produces them (ale vs. lager), their flavor (porter vs. IPA vs. amber ale), and even their strength (dubbel vs. trippel vs. imperial).  Apparently they can also be grouped by their intended drinking style.

One of the more interesting designations that exists is that of a “session beer” — a beer of ~3-5 % alcohol with a with a good balance between malt and hop characters and a clean finish that gives it “high drinkability”.  Basically, one good beer to drink when you’re drinking more than one — literally a beer designed to be consumed in high volumes without overwhelming your palate or getting you so drunk that you can’t continue drinking.

The term originated in England during World War I when factory managers imposed two allowable drinking periods on shell production workers.  They had two 4 hour sessions each day when they were allowed to take a break and hit the bar.  Since they frequently went back to work after one of these sessions, the workers sought beer that they could drink for hours on end and still remain relatively coherent.  Thus, the session beer.

Proper grammatical usage:  “I went to the liquor store and picked up an imperial porter for a night cap, but wanted a good session beer for Saturday, so I grabbed a twelver of PBR” or “let’s session some Guinness tonight”

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